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Using Primo, the Library catalog, to Find Books & Articles

About the Library's tool for searching print and online collections for books, articles and more.

What is in a catalog record for a book?

  • If the record is for a result that is a book, either print or e-book, it should contain the basic bibliographic information: title, author/editor, publisher, year, format and edition.
  • If the book is available in print, the location and call number should be included. You may also see the option to virtually browse the shelf at the bottom of the record.
  • E-books should provide links or details for access, where available.
  • Typically, you can also find citation tools for capturing information about the item in the record.

What is in a catalog record of an article?

  • Articles found when searching Primo should also have the basic bibliographic information: title, journal, author, volume, pages and year.
  • Look for links providing full text access points, where available. When connecting to an online subscription from a catalog record, users may be prompted for GMU authentication.

  • Typically, you can also find citation tools for capturing information about the item in the record.