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International Law

Law School Databases

Lexis Advance:

You need to return to To do so from Lexis Advance, click on the red Research tab in the upper right corner, and select In the Legal Search tab, you can find a link under "Area of Law by Topic" for both "Foreign Laws and Legal Services" and "International Law." Lexis provides European Union documents, documents of the International Court of Justice, and other international materials. It provides a good amount of Canadian, UK, and Mexican legal materials.


On the main page, click into the "International Materials." You will find all of Westlaw's international and foreign legal materials here, organized both by jurisdiction and content type. There is also an Index to the materials, wherein you can browse every title in the collection. Westlaw's foreign materials vary by country, with better materials for the UK, Australia, Canada, and Hong Kong. Westlaw provides the journal International Legal Materials and has material from the International Chamber of Commerce, American Arbitration Association International, and International Commercial Arbitration, among others.


Other Foreign and International GMU Databases:

  • Columbia International Affairs Online (CIAO) Materials on international relations since 1991 including working papers, conference proceedings, and books, as well as abstracts from journals, brief reports, monthly statistics, and maps.
  • Foreign Law Guide, describes the legal structure, where legal materials are published, and whether English translations are available for the laws of each of the 190 countries in the database.
  • HeinOnline Foreign & International Law Resources Database. International yearbooks; U.S. digests of international law; Reports of the Hague Permanent Court of International Justice and Reports of International Arbitral Awards; reports of the Court of Justice of the European Communities; other miscellaneous works.
  • International Legal Materials, published by American Society of International Law. Electronic version through HeinOnline International and Non-U.S. Law Journals (also available on Westlaw). Since 1962, ILM has been publishing selected full texts of important treaties and agreements, judicial and arbitral decisions, national legislation, international organizations resolutions, and other documents useful for scholarly work.
  • Kluwer Arbitration. Contains the full text of almost 1700 bilateral investment treaties; over 5,400 court decisions, and 1,800 arbitral awards.
  • Oxford Legal Research Library.  The Oxford Legal Research Library (OLRL) provides integrated access to collections of leading works written by world-renowned authors. Law Library users can access both established and new authoritative titles in the Financial and Banking Law collection.  Much of the coverage is international in scope.
  • Public Affairs Information Service (PAIS). Index to periodicals, books, reports, and government information published in English from around the world.