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Scholarly Writing & Spading

Publishing Your Final Product

Submission of Law Student Articles for Publication provides suggestions for law students interested in publishing their work; and the authors provide a chart of 194 law reviews as to whether each accepts student submissions for publication. 

Journal Rankings

Washington & Lee's Law Library publishes rankings of law journals that provide citation data and calculated ranks for the top 400 U.S.-published law journals and the top 100 law journals published outside the United States.

Legal Citation Optimization

The document below summarizes items other than quality that data indicate increase citations to legal scholarship. Most of these findings come from two papers:

The sidebars add comparisons to Search Engine Optimization (SEO) studies and an older study by Ian Ayres and Fredrick Vars. In most instances, sources align. In the two areas where they don’t, differences in studies and format explain the divergences:

  1. Ayres and Vars found that having a title colon reduced the chances of being in the bottom 10%, not that it helped get to the top.
  2. Although similar, abstracts and meta descriptions vary, likely explaining the differing findings between SEO and SSRN in this area.

Online Journal Submission Policies

Allen Rostron and Nancy Levit maintain and regularly update a guide to journal submissions that is available on SSRN. This list focuses on traditional journals.

If you are interested in shorter pieces or online journals, Bridget J. Crawford has a list of online journals available on SSRN

We've created lists that cover the flagship journals at the top-100 law schools as ranked by U.S. News. We also have all the online journals at the T-14 schools. Both our files are linked to below this paragraph.