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Trademark Law

Primary & Practice Resources

Subscription Databases

Westlaw has many of their trademarks resources compiled on the “Trademark Resources” tab of their Intellectual Property page. Most of the Westlaw resources listed below can also be accessed from this page. Lexis has also compiled many trademark materials on their “Trademark Law” page. Most of the Lexis resources listed below can also be accessed from this page. Bloomberg’s trademark materials are linked to from their “Trademarks & Copyrights” page.

Trademark Laws

Westlaw, Lexis, and Bloomberg have sections that include searchable sets of laws related to trademarks. The USTPO provides an unofficial listing of rules and other materials. Cornell offers a brief summary of trademark law and links to several primary sources (make sure to confirm currentness). 

Locating Registered and Pending Trademarks

Trademark Official Gazette — The USPTO's weekly publication of approved trademark registrations. Released every Tuesday. 

Trademark Electronic Search System ("TESS") — The USPTO's database of registered trademarks and prior pending applications. 

Trademark Image Search (Westlaw) — This tool allows you to upload an image and search for similar images within the database. 

Trademark Cases

When filing a suit for trademark infringement, plaintiffs can choose between federal and state court. In addition to suing the purported infringer, those who think their trademark has been infringed can also challenged a USPTO issued registration by filing a petition to cancel the registration with the Trademark Trial & Appeal Board (TTAB). Potential plaintiffs can allso challenge an application for trademark registration made to the USPTO by filing an opposition with the TTAB within 30 days of the application's publication in the Official Gazzette. For trademarks from other countries, U.S. plaintiffs can work with the International Trade Commission (ITC).

Note: There are reporters covering cases by subject matter across multiple jurisdictions. Bloomberg's United States Patents Quarterly is one example, covering cases on patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets. When you see a citation to U.S.P.Q. it refers to this reporter. 

Trademark Trial & Appeal Board (TTAB) — The Westlaw, Lexis, and Bloomberg resources listed in this section, and several more, are also linked to from the landing pages discussed in the opening section.

Trademark Trial & Appeal Board (TTAB) Decisions (Westlaw) 

Trademark Trial & Appeal Board Filings (Westlaw)

US Trademark Trial & Appeal Board Decisions (Lexis)

All Trademark Trial & Appeal Board Decisions (TTAB) (Bloomberg) 

TTAB Reading Room (USPTO) — a newer tool that provides access to TTAB decisions back to 1996 (Lexis and Westlaw go back considerably further).  

International Trade Commission (ITC) 

International Trade Commission (ITC) Decisions (Westlaw)

International Trade Commission Filings (Westlaw)

U.S. Case Law — The Westlaw, Lexis, and Bloomberg resources listed in this section, and several more, are also linked to from the landing pages discussed in the opening section. In addition to the resources listed here, standard case law searches in Westlaw, Lexis, and Bloomberg will include trademark cases. 

Federal Trademark Cases (Westlaw)

State Trademark Cases (Westlaw)

All Trademark Law Cases (Lexis)

U.S. Trademark Opinions (Bloomberg)