HeinOnline A constantly growing collection of legal periodicals that currently includes over 2000 full-text journals. Also includes, among others, the following collections: American Indian Law, ALI Library, CFR, Early American Case Law, English Reports, Federal Register, Foreign & International Law Resources, Index to Foreign Periodicals, Intellectual Property Law Collection, Legal Classics (more than 2,500 legal treatises), National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, National Moot Court Competition, Pentagon Papers, Philip C. Jessup Library, State Attorney General Reports and Opinions, State Session Laws, United Nations Law Collection, U.S. Attorney General & Department of Justice Collection, U.S. Code, U.S. Congressional Documents, U.S. Federal Agency Documents and Decisions, U.S. Presidential Library, U.S. State Commitments with Foreign Governments, U.S. Statutes at Large, U.S. Treaties and Agreements, Virginia Supreme Court Briefs, World Constitutions Illustrated, World Treaty Library, and World Trials Library.