Almanac of the Federal Judiciary is the most popular judicial directory. The directory provides contact information, career history, senate biographical questionnaire, and financial disclosure information for federal judges. It is especially well liked because of the additional unique content such as noteworthy rulings. Other unique content has been garnered through attorney questionnaires. This information includes the judge's demeanor, the perceived biases of the judge, and any noted preferences about attorney practice in the courtroom.
Searching by judge's name is very straightforward. But this blogpost gives some helpful information about advanced search capability within the Almanac.
Screenshot from WestlawEdge (April 2021); use is with permission of Thomson Reuters (email 4/8/2021 on file with MOK).
Lexis +
Reprinted from Lexis Litigation Profile Suite with permission. Copyright 2021 LexisNexis. All rights reserved. Permission on file with MOK, April 2021.
Bloomberg Law
Judicial Clerkship Resources, includes judge profiles and directories, a link to judicial analytics, a link to OSCAR, and more.
Litigation Analytics provides information on judges.
Screenshot from (April 2021); reproduced with permission. Bloomberg Law, Copyright 2021 by the Bureau of National Affairs, Inc. (email 4/12/2021 on file with MOK).
Free resources
Federal Judicial Center’s Biographical Directory of Article III Judges, 1789-Present
Print Resources