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Westlaw users may change default search settings to match their own preferences. View this brief one-minute video to learn how to locate Preferences and select alternative methods to view and display search results.
To view downloadable PDF tutorials on changing Westlaw's search preferences, please see the "Legal Research Handouts" page of this LibGuide.
Lexis+ users may change default search settings to match their own preferences. View this brief one-minute video to learn how to locate Settings and select alternative methods to view and display search results.
To view downloadable PDF tutorials on changing search settings on Lexis+, please see the "Legal Research Handouts" page of this LibGuide.
This video explains what treatises are, how to find them, and how to select the best treatise for your research needs. Treatises are available through the library both in print and electronically, and there are many online treatise finders to quickly guide you to the best options. This video was created for LRWA students at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic shutdown.