Contact the GMU Reference Office to arrange for more indepth instruction on conducting research or finding and using research resources.
If you are the exploring type, you can find good research ideas in a number of different corners of the Web. Caveat: Be critical of the sources you use. Make sure the source is a recognizable authority.
Our research platform vendors provide telephone and chat assistance. They can provide guidance with using their sites to the fullest. Tele-help is available around the clock:
Lexis: 1-800-543-6862
Westlaw: 1-800-REF-ATTY (1-800-733-2889)
Check the links below for short research videos, most 5 to 10 minutes, covering some of the basic aspects of researching the U.S. legal system.
The training certifications available through the Westlaw Knowledge & Training Center are recommended. A few good tutorials to review in advance of starting your Open Memo are linked below:
The Westlaw Basic Research Certification is also very good.
The Lexis Proficiency Certification on demand modules let you learn at your own pace. The training sessions are helpful for all users of their research platform. Login with your Lexis login. Some key sessions are noted below:
If you don’t have time, check out these shorter more specific task focused Lexis How-To Videos. Most are around 2 minutes. Yuo may also find other resources on this training site helpful.
The more you view the more you'll know.