HeinOnline - Access to several thousand legal journals, many of them related to sports and/or entertainment, all from Volume 1, Issue 1, and all in PDF.
Lexis Advance - Access to cases, statutes, and regulations pertaining to numerous aspects of sports and entertainment law - antitrust, civil rights, contracts, drug testing, health and injuries, labor, liability, publicity rights, torts, etc.
ProQuest Congressional - Find bills, statutes, committee hearings and reports, and legislative histories related to sports and entertainment law.
U.S. Supreme Court Records and Briefs (Gale) - 1832-1978. Features a fully searchable database of approximately 150,000 Supreme Court cases from the generation before the American Civil War to the decade of the Vietnam War and Watergate. Includes three major cases involving baseball and antitrust.
Westlaw - Access to cases, statutes, and regulations pertaining to numerous aspects of sports and entertainment law - antitrust, civil rights, contracts, drug testing, health and injuries, labor, liability, publicity rights, torts, etc.