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Summer Intern & New Attorney Research Survival Guide

Tips for new attorneys to smooth their transition from researching as a law student to researching in a professional setting.

Intro to Survival Guide

Picture of 4 professionals in suits.


Moving from law school to summer intern or new attorney is a big transition. Successfully transitioning requires rethinking your research strategy. For example, searches likely will no longer be free, and you'll need to justify how you use your time, including time spent on research. This guide provides tips to smooth the transition from researching as a law student to researching in a professional setting. 

Guide updated March 2024, pv. 

Excelling In Your Internship

For advice on excelling in your summer internship experience, including research resources and tips, please view the recording of the Maximizing Your Summer Internship Experience presentation, which is posted on the Career and Academic Services (CAS) Intranet.  To find the recording, click on the Career Resources tab, then on Career Planning and Resources by Class Year, and finally on the 1d/1e button.