If you’ve never used online study aids before, our Study Aids guide offers instructions. Our West Academic and Lexis Digital Library online databases have fewer trade secrets resources than they do for other sections. However, many intellectual property study aids include sections on trade secrets. You can locate the study aids by searching or browsing for both trade secrets and intellectual property. For the latest editions, you should check the databases but a few examples include:
Trade Secrets Law in a Nutshell, by Sharon K. Sandeen & Elizabeth K. Rowe (West 2018).
Understanding Intellectual Property Law, by Donald S. Chisum, et al. (Lexis 2015). The 2020 edition is available at the circulation desk.
The library also maintains print versions of the Nutshell, Examples & Explanations, Questions & Answers, the Understanding Series, and more. Many students find the Examples & Explanation series helpful for exam prep, especially for essay and short answer exams. This series is not available in any of our online databases. You can inquire at the Circulation Desk for more information on this and other series we maintain in print.