American Journal of Legal History, Vol. 1 (1957) - present. Shelved in Bound Periodicals on the third floor of the Law Library. Also availableonline (Mason users only).
An Index to Legal Periodical Literature, Vol. 1 (1886) - Vol. 6 (1937). Leonard A. Jones and Frank Ellsworth Chipman. REFERENCE K33 .I5. Also available online on HeinOnline (Mason and on-site users only).
Journal of Supreme Court History, Vol. 1 (1990) - present. KF8741.A15 S87 on the third floor of the Law Library. Also availableonline (Mason users only).
Law and History Review, Vol. 1 (1983) - Vol. 31 (2013). Shelved in Bound Periodicals on the third floor of the Law Library. Also availableonline (Mason users only).
Supreme Court Review, 1960 - present. Shelved in Bound Periodicals on the third floor of the Law Library. Also availableonline (Mason users only).