Reference Sources
- The Founders’ Constitution, Philip B. Kurland and Ralph Lerner, eds. REFERENCE KF4502 .F68 1987.
- Great American Court Cases, Mark Mikula and L. Mpho Mabunda, eds. REFERENCE KF385.A4.
- Great American Lawyers: An Encyclopedia, John R. Vile, ed., REFERENCE KF353 .G74 2001.
- Great American Trials, Edward W. Knappman, ed. REFERENCE KF220 .G74 1994.
- Historic U.S. Court Cases: An Encyclopedia, John W. Johnson, ed. REFERENCE KF385.A4 J64 2001.
- Illustrated Great Decisions of the Supreme Court, Tony Mauro. REFERENCE KF4549 .M334 2006.
- Landmark Legislation 1774-2012, Stephen W. Stathis. REFERENCE JK1021 .S733 2014.
- Law in American History, G. Edward White, REFERENCE KF352 .W48 2012.
- Oxford Guide to United States Supreme Court Decisions, Kermit L. Hall and James W. Ely, eds. REFERENCE KF4548.5 .O97 2009. Also available online on Oxford Reference (Mason users only).
- Oxford International Encyclopedia of Legal History, Stanley N. Katz, ed. REFERENCE K50 .O94 2009. Also available online on Oxford Reference (Mason users only).
Legal History Collection
Titles related to legal history are available on the third floor of the Law Library in Ranges 318 (American Legal History), 327 (Constitutional Law and Constitutional History), and 340 (Supreme Court History). Search for more books in the Mason Library Catalog.
- The American Heritage History of the Law in America, Alvin M. Josephy and Bernard Schwartz, eds. KF352 .S34 (1974).
- American Legal History: A Very Short Introduction, G. Edward White, KF352 .W478 2014.
- Essays in Nineteenth Century American Legal History, Wythe Holt, ed. KF366 .E8. (1976).
- The Formative Era of American Law, Roscoe Pound. KF352 .P69. (1938). Also available online on HeinOnline (Mason and on-site users only).
- Historical Introduction to Anglo-American Law in a Nutshell, Frederick G. Kempin. KD532.Z9 K44 1990.
- A History of American Law, Lawrence M. Friedman. KF352 .F7 2019.
- Judicial Review in American History: Major Historical Interpretations, Kermit L. Hall, ed. KF4575.A75 J83 1987.
- The Literature of American Legal History, William E. Nelson and John Phillip Reid. KF352 .N45 1985.
- Milestones!: 200 Years of American Law: Milestones in our Legal History, Jethro K. Lieberman. KF352 .L54.
- Outlines of the History of English and American Law, William F. Walsh. KD606 .W35 1995. (Originally published 1924). Also available online on HeinOnline (Mason and on-site users only).
- Readings in American Legal History, Mark De Wolfe Howe. KF351 .H68 1971. (Originally published 1949).