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Email: lawsupport@gmu.edu
Call (703) 993-4855 to leave a voicemail for the Tech Support staff and receive a callback.
Appointments available:
Monday - Friday 9 AM - 6 PM
Have a Question?
Visit us in Law Library Room 146 or contact us through chat, email, or phone!
Email: lawref@gmu.edu
Chat: Click "Chat with a Librarian"
Phone: (703) 993-8076 to leave a voicemail and receive a callback
On-site & Virtual Hours:
Monday - Friday: 10am - 4pm
Virtual Only Hours:
Monday - Thursday: 5:30pm - 9pm
Saturday: 12pm-7pm
Sunday: 1pm-8pm
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Please use the links on the left to explore our most popular tools. If you have questions about anything, please reach out directly to your liaison librarian or lawref@gmu.edu.