Coverage: 1971-present. Features full-text journals, dissertations, working papers, key business and economics periodicals, country-and industry-focused reports, and downloadable data.
Accounting and Tax
Coverage: 1971-present. This database brings together global and scholarly journals with key resources for locating results covering current news and topics, as well as the trends and history influencing important accounting and tax issues of the day.
Business Source Complete
Coverage: 1886-present. Comprehensive coverage of scholarly journals for business topics such as marketing, management, human resources, MIS, POM, accounting, finance, and economics.
Coverage: 1969-present; Updated monthly. Indexes and abstracts journals as well as working papers, dissertations, and books. Produced by the Journal of Economic Literature.
Emerald Insight
Coverage: varies. Consists of journals by Emerald Group Publishing, in the areas of accounting and finance, business ethics and law, economics, human resources management, industry and public sector management, international business, management science/management studies, organization studies, performance management and measurement, and more.
Hospitality & Tourism Complete
Coverage: 1965-present. Coverage includes scholarly research and industry news relating to all areas of hospitality and tourism, with full text for 440 publications, including journals, company and country reports, and books. Subject areas covered include the food and beverage management, hospitality law, hotel management, leisure and business travel, and market trends. Geographic coverage includes materials from areas such as the U.S., Canada, Australia, Europe, and Asia.
Leisure Tourism
Coverage: 1973-present. Contains abstracts covering over 400 publications and other new academic research, industry reports, books, book reviews, and news from the fields of leisure, recreation, sport, hospitality, tourism, and culture.